Bereavement Support Groups
Grief groups are sponsored by Serenity Hospice and Home and open to anyone in the community who has suffered a loss. We ask that you call our office at 815-732-4111 and let us know you will be attending a particular group so that we are able to provide adequate supplies.
If your group meets at the Serenity Home (1658 S IL RT 2 in Oregon), please use the back parking lot and entrance.
Group Listing
If No One Calls – We will Not Meet.
Group size is limited.
INDIVIDUAL VISITS are available by appointment.
For more information about any of these Bereavement Support Group Meetings or to make an individual appointment, please contact the Serenity Hospice and Home office at 815-732-4111 or e-mail Cathy or Dana at: or
Meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 5:00-6:00 p.m. at Serenity Home, 1658 S IL RT 2, Oregon, IL. This group is for ages 60 and under. Please call our office at 815-732-4111 by noon to register.
Meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Serenity Home, 1658 S IL RT 2, Oregon, IL. This group is open to anyone in the community who has experienced a loss during the past two years. Please call our office at 815-732-4111 by noon the day before (Wednesday) to register, as limited seating is available.
Meets the 2nd and 3rd Fridays of each month from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the Serenity Shed, 131 N 3rd St., Oregon, IL. Please call our office at 815-732-4111 by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday to register. Open to all adults in the community.
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. at Sunrise Restaurant, 116 N. 4th St., Oregon, IL. This group is for all bereaved in the community. Please call our office at 815-732-4111 by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday to register.
Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Serenity Home, 1658 S IL RT 2, Oregon, IL, from 5:00 p.m.– 6:00 p.m. This group is open to ALL adult bereaved persons in the community. Please call Cathy at 815-732-4111 to get the name of the book and register.
If you are interested or would like more information, please call our office at 815-732-4111.
Watch Facebook, our website, and local newspapers for information about upcoming workshops or events for those 18 and under. One on one meetings are available anytime. Please call 815-732-2499 and speak with Bereavement Coordinators, Cathy Warren or Dana Cox.

Grief Course Offered Free to the Community. Meets at Serenity Home, 1658 S IL RT 2, Oregon, IL. Please call Cathy Warren or Dana Cox at 815-732-2499 for more information.
The structure of the group follows the book by Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt which covers ten touchstones in the areas of physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual growth to help you through the grief process. Wolfelt has written many books about healing after the loss of a loved one and is considered a leading grief educator. The class is facilitated by Cathy Warren, who is Serenity Hospice’s Bereavement Manager. “I am very excited to offer a class like this one,” said Cathy, “Our grief groups are usually open-ended and people come and go as they travel through their own journey of grief. This is a more structured approach and the participant will know exactly when it will end.” Each participant will receive a copy of the book by Dr. Wolfelt.
Please call Serenity Hospice to find out the next starting date of this class and to
find out more information 815-732-2499.

The bereavement program is funded in part by grants from:
Lee County Social Services for Seniors
Ogle County 708 Mental Health Fund
Rochelle Area Community Foundation
United Way of Ogle County