Patient’s Daughter Gives Serenity Staff a Meaningful Gift


When Judy Miller became a patient at Serenity, she requested Abby Green as her CNA. Abby had been her CNA at Pinecrest five years ago and Judy still remembered her fondly. Abby went above and beyond to provide the same memorable care she gave her years earlier. She massaged her hands and legs with lotion and lovingly painted her fingernails, something Judy cherished. Judy’s daughter, Julie Spurgeon, knew her mother loved having her nails painted. She felt bad when she went to visit her mom and realized that she had forgotten her nail polish at home. She was surprised to find that her mother’s nails had already been painted in the perfect shade of salmon pink that her mother loved. Instead of painting her mother’s nails, she was able to just spend time with her. Her mother passed away the next day. Julie brought in a wonderful basket full of goodies along with this kind note that reads, “We know how much my mama enjoyed her hands and legs being massaged with lotion so our girls & myself bought these Bath and Body Works lotions so you all can bless many others. Bless the young lady that painted mama’s nails the night before she passed & with a perfect color for her! So we also included polish and a few new nightgowns. Thank you for showing my mama so much tender loving care! You go above and beyond what others do and it doesn’t go unseen. You are all angels here on Earth and we are so grateful.” Thank you so much Julie for this beautiful, thoughtful and meaningful gift and for your moving words; they mean so much to us. Thank you Abby for the invaluable work you do at Serenity that touches so many hearts and lives.

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