More Of Serenity Home

Our Serenity Home is a comfortable and warm space. Several areas are available for seating and our front desk/nurses’ station is ready to greet you when you arrive. Families can also benefit from laundry facilities and patient meals are well-prepared in our commercial kitchen.

Special quilts, prayer shawls and prayer squares are used and available throughout Serenity Home.

Everywhere you look, Serenity Home wraps you in faith, trust, hope, grace, love, peace, mercy and glory.

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Full kitchen used to prepare patient meals.
The main kitchen is for patient needs only, but a convenience kitchen is available for families.
Comfortable seating is available throughout the Serenity Home.

We accept visitors at any time.
Restful places to gather and sit throughout the Serenity Home.
Onsite laundry facilities are available for family use.